The Secret Message of Jesus & A review of that one movie

The crux of the joke was a shaggy dog contest- it was one of those ad nauseam jokes, but the punch lines stuck and it still brings a smile to my face.
For a while I thought of entitling this post, "I've seen 'supier'", (I have) but my reaction to Superman Returns was more visceral than it was intellectual. Consequently, things that otherwise might have bothered me (Brandon Routh's blandness compared to Christopher Reeve) fell by the wayside. Conversely, things which might have been hokey and over-sentimental became very meaningful- such as listening to Marlon Brando' voice & especially John Williams' score. They registered aurally within my memory. The movie itself had some definite blog-worthy moments. Certainly, we discussed with the kids how Superman was like Jesus (conveniently glossing over a couple glaring differences) and to her credit, the eldest noticed quite a few instances where Bryan Singer made his superhero a messiah for today's generation.
Toward that end, I'd like to comment on just one interchange between the Son of Jor-El & Lois Lane
"The world doesn't need a Savior and neither do I!", says Lois
Superman quietly replies, "Come with me." and he takes her on a flight above the beautiful and fallen Metropolis.
"What do you hear?" he asks her.
"Nothing," she replies.
"I hear everything," he tells her.
When they return, he makes his case. "In your article you wrote that people don't need a Savior, yet everyday I hear people crying for one."
One thing leapt out at me as I watched this interchange (both times) and I think it's the result of the book I am just finishing: the Secret Message of Jesus by Brian McLaren. The book has, so far, been the most challenging and rewarding book I have read this summer. I long to discuss it in a small group setting (there is a downloadable study guide available), it's that good. One thing about Superman Returns that relates to the Secret Message is the idea that we have a responsibility to work with Jesus in establishing kingdom of God. I thought of this as Superman said "Come with me" to Lois. In the past, the church left it to Jesus to establish the kingdom when he returned. In the movie, Jor-El tells his son that he has sent his only son to earth because we have an incredible capacity for good, we only need to be shown the light (It should be pointed out, there is little actual evidence of this- wars rage, crimes occur, and we revel in our helplessness, until Superman comes). Now, with the emergent and progressive Christian movements, there is a sense that the church is deciding to step up and become the Body. The Church is coming with Jesus to create the kingdom. That's exciting. And scary. And challenging.
Marisa - To take a shot at answering your 07/03/06 8:55 question...
Observant Jews (like Jesus and Matthew) believed in the idea of "putting a fence around the Torah" - i.e. not doing anything that could get you near breaking the Torah...At the heart of the Torah is the Ten Commandments. The third commandment says not to mis-handle the Lord's name. Jews put a fence around that idea by just flat-out not using His name at all, the idea being that if you don't use it, you can't mis-use it. They would circumlocute it by using words like "Heaven" and "the Name" or "Lord" instead of "God." Matthew - the most Semitic of the Gospel's - portrays Jesus generally saying it that way. Mark and Luke - on the other hand - do not. All that to say that "the Kingdom of Heaven" is a more semitic way to say "The Kingdom of God."
Does that help?
Jeff - if we could work out calendars, I would love to discuss the new McLaren book with you...I suspect the lovely Mrs. and I could both be up for it...we have talked about how cool it could be to have a book club of sorts among people of Faith. I have not yet read it, but will gladly do so.
I would like to join in on a discussion about McLaren. I'm reading Generous Orthadoxy. I'm entriqued but also perplexed.
i'm in as well...i remember trying to do this with another mclaren book...
My sincere apologies for not replying before this. I wish I could say I was doing something deep like meditating on the kingdom of God, but the truth is I got into a Rainman-like funk of reorganizing my CDs and DVDs. What can I say other than I am an anal-retentive dork? However, now that I am back. One word: WOW.
Who knew?
a. that Mark was reading this blog (next year the Destin Six go to...!)
b. there was such a hunger for meaningful discussion /discourse/dialogue?
c. the kingdom of god could be so provocative & exciting a subject?- Maris, Jim, Laura & I spent an entire evening hanging out discussing this idea after I noticed these posts. While we didn't necessarily agree (my thoughts aligned with Mark's), it was a really FUN discussion just being with people who hungered for more. Anyway, more of that later.
As for a discussion group, let's see who else is interested and consider some logistics, shall we?
PS- Mark, thanks for posting. welcome.
I am using this book as a text for a Wesleyan course that I am teaching for pastor's on track for ordination. Should get some discussion going...I am in...
HEY! Can a girl come too!? I'm just asking. Or should I lead the women's ministry of Marisa, Laura, Cyndi and Lori? We'll have a lot of pink doily's around. Maybe drink some tea and smile a lot.
Jenn, C'mon! "Can a girl come?" Sarah would point out you're a woman. And if this bad-boy gets off the ground, I WANT you in!
PS- my laptop is broken, but i was gonna blog about you and how you made the service Alter-esque. I really dug it. Mde me nostalgic and yet happy.
So are we doing this discussion thing?
I'm just stepping up to the plate, girl... I mean, "woman" (props to Sarah) - but Marissa, "lead" was just a poor choice of words(threated?). Thanks for jumping all over me (bitter?). I just meant more maybe I could pass around the nice sign-up list for snacks I made on Microstoft Word. That's all. No assumptions. (And that's ridiculous... Lutherans don't study the Bible... that's why I read the words of John Wesley - atleast HE read the Bible)
...And I'll be bringing a nice seven layer salad.
my laptop is in the shop. no new posts until i get it back. sorry. as for the "thing"- it's in the works. more details to come.
yip yip horay! Just make sure it happens before late August, cause I'll be in Iowa City by then.
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