Baby Steps To A Brave New World

I replied you know who that is."
"Oh yeah. Hawkman & Hawkwoman."
"Well, actually it's Hawkman and Hawkgirl", said the old man.
"Right. Why is it that always the girl superheroes are 'girls' even if they're grown up? And the boy superheroes are 'men'?", asked Sarah

I pointed out that there was Wonder Woman, but she was adamant: she was the only one: Supergirl, Batgirl, she even pointed out Elastigirl from the Incredibles.
When I pointed out Cat Woman as a "woman", my burgeoning little feminist's response? "Yeah, but she's PSY-CHO! (2 syllables)
The moral? No idea. Other than maybe they notice more than we realize. Maybe the little lessons we tell them work occasionally. Maybe, my daughter is Wonder Woman. No maybes.
PS- the pics in the links are why Jack & Sarah are not allowed to access anything on the web other than & why I did not buy them their own comic book when their mom suggested it.
superman is at the imax here, and i think i am seeing it tomorrow night. if there is a complaint/suggestion box, i will raise sarah's point.
is sarah my daughter???
Who sang that song: Don't Speak? you know the Gwen Stefani used to front? (B/c you know those muscles didn't come from me!
I just really liked that she called Cat Woman "PHY-CHO". Well done Sarah. What a fun gal she is!
I was gonna say, that hawk girl might want to layer up when she's flying through the sky, or is cutting glass one of her super powers? Okay, I've typed enough.
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