Huss: A Shout-out to my Father-in-law

I don't give a damn if Walt Whitman kicked with his right foot or his left foot or that J. Edgar Hoover took it better than he gave it, or that Ike was true blue to Mamie, or that god knows who had trouble with the ponies or the bottle. We need our heroes. We need men we can look up to, believe in. Men who walked tall. We cannot chop them off at the knees just to prove they're like the rest of us. Now, Walt Whitman was a pervert, but he was the best poet that America ever produced. And if he was standin' here today and somebody called him a fruit or queer behind his back or to his face or over these airways--that person would have to answer to me. Sure we're all human. But there are damn few of us that have the right stuff to be called heroes. And that closes the book on that subject." -Maurice Minnifield
Huss reminds me of Maurice in this way. He's got his heroes: Mickey Mantle, John Glenn, other great men that we don't want to see besmirched by scandal. I often disagree with him politically. He's also the most generous soul I know. Always willing to spend time with his

[The above photo comes from our 1st family vacation & is my father-in-law's 1st ever Corona: Hope we have a bunch more together (vacations & Coronas)!]
that was awesome jeff, you gave me goosebumps.
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